Sugarhouse Changes

I don't always remember that the people looking at my blog are not all from Utah. Duh. One such visitor pointed out to me that it would help if I put some sort of explanation on here. I concur.

The left hand pictures were taken several months ago. The picture on the right side of each one was taken just a couple of days ago (Jan '08) and are pretty much the exact same view as the one next to it. Look closely and you will see common cues in the side-by-side pictures.

This is a case of urban renewal. The old buildings have been there since before I moved to Utah, in 1974. This area has always been a vibrant center of commerce, and I've seen some of the drawings for the new development. It's supposed to have open spaces, commercial, residential and retail spaces, and all in all didn't look bad. I'm anxious to see it finished, and see that the community comes back.
